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Post An Opportunity

Please provide all of the information requested below.

Links to external websites are preferred, but Text Descriptions can be given when a Link is not available or does not contain all relevant information.

Only one of these (a Link or a Text Description) is required.

Type of Opportunity: Choose One
For Who?: Choose One
Short Title: e.g., Engineer, Lab Technician, Research Assistantship, etc.
Organization: e.g., Company Name, School, Scholarship Sponsor, etc.
Location: City and State (or Country) or Building and Room on Campus
Link (Optional): Paste Web Address Here (If Applicable)
Text Description (Optional): Describe the Opportunity and Provide Contact Information (If No External Link is Available)
Your Name: Type Your Name
Expires: Choose One

Clicking the link below will post this information to the BSE Opportunities Website.

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